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NYU DevOps Troubleshooting Guide

A guide to troubleshooting common issues in the NYU DevOps class

Welcome to the NYU DevOps Troubleshooting Guide! This repository is dedicated to providing solutions and explanations for various DevOps-related issues. Whether you’re encountering problems with Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD processes, or other DevOps tools, this guide aims to help.

General Solutions to Try

Before diving into specific issues, here are some general solutions that might resolve common problems:

Clean Docker Environment

Docker can sometimes cache images or configurations that cause repeated errors. To ensure a fresh environment, use the following Docker commands to clean up:

  1. docker kill $(docker ps -q): Stops all running containers.
  2. docker rm $(docker ps -aq): Removes all containers.
  3. docker system prune --volumes -f: Removes all stopped containers, unused networks, images, and optionally, volumes.
  4. docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q): Removes all unused volumes.
  docker kill $(docker ps -q)
  docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  docker system prune --volumes -f
  docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

Troubleshooting Sections

Explore the following sections for more specific troubleshooting guides:

We encourage TA’s to contribute to this guide by sharing your solutions and insights. Together, we can build a comprehensive resource that benefits the entire NYU DevOps community. For contribution guidelines, please refer to the file.

Thank you for visiting the DevOps Troubleshooting Guide. We hope you find the information here helpful and informative.